Annual Metro Regional Trail Count and Why Local Extrapolation Factors Matter

Friday, May 26, 2017, 12:00pm to 1:00pm PDT
Geoff Gibson, Metro

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Annual Metro Regional Trail Count and Why Local Extrapolation Factors Matter

Metro, Portland's regional governing agency, conducts annual two-hour counts along its regional trail every September. This upcoming fall (2017) will be the 10th year that the counts have been held, which means we at Metro can finally start seeing noticeable, long-lasting trends in the regional trail network. Perhaps more importantly, we are seeing how these data have directly impacted investments in future trail, bicycle, and pedestrian projects.

This seminar will cover the history of the program, details of how it's conducted and why it's conducted that way, how data are used (including an inside look at future iterations of Metro's interactive trail count map), and why creating local extrapolation factors for adjusting to annual traffic is so important.

Geoff Gibson is a former GRA at TREC, a former NITC scholar and a current intern with the trails planning team at Metro. He is graduating with his Masters in Urban and Regional Planning from PSU in June and loves all things transportation related.