4 Results

Rethinking Streets for Physical Distancing

Marc Schlossberg
Rebecca Lewis
Reallocating space on streets to accommodate new uses – particularly for walking, biking, and being – is not new. However, COVID-era needs have accelerated the process that many communities use to make such street transitions. A few overlapping p ... Read More

Investigating Effects of TNCs on Parking Demand and Revenues

Benjamin Clark
Anne Brown
For the past century, mobility in the United States has been dictated by cars. Furthermore, cars—and even more so, the storage of cars—have dictated urban form. With cities dedicating more space to parking than even streets and roads, parking has ... Read More

From Knowledge to Practice: Rethinking Streets for People on Bikes

Marc Schlossberg
John Rowell , Roger Lindgren
This project is a follow up to a highly successful previous NITC project and subsequent nationally distributed book, called “Rethinking Streets: An Evidence Based Guide to 25 Street Transformations. The success of the first book demonstrates a need ... Read More

Rethinking Streets: An Evidence Based Design Manual on Making Streets into Complete Streets

Marc Schlossberg
John Rowell
The predominant approach toward street function on major roads in the United States is to emphasize mobility and throughput of vehicles. The “Complete Streets” movement challenges some of this paradigm, emphasizing that streets should accommodate ... Read More
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