*NEW* LOCATION: Karl Miller Center at PSU, 631 SW Harrison St., Room 465
*NEW* REGISTRATION: Sign up through GoToWebinar
Portland State University students will share the work they presented at the annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 2018:
Kelly Rodgers is a PhD student in urban studies at Portland State University. She is currently conducting research on the role, nature, and quality of evidence in transportation decision-making and evaluating place typologies for their ability to capture variation in travel behavior. Kelly is also the Executive Director of Streetsmart, a research synthesis, resource clearinghouse, and communication platform for transportation planning.
Defining Place: A Review of How Place Type Is Measured and Constructed
Researchers have been parsing which components of the built environment contribute to outcomes of interest and to what degree, particularly the effects on vehicle use and walking. Increasingly, researchers and practitioners recognize that the type of neighborhood may affect individual travel behaviors. These bundle of various land use and transportation system characteristics can be constructed as different neighborhood or place types. But not all place types are constructed with the same use, purpose, or methods. This presentation will review three classifications of place typologies to better understand their purpose and appropriate application as well as introduce an online transportation platform that will incorporate aspects of place type.
Density Differences: Exploring Built Environment Relationships with Walking Between and Within Metropolitan Areas
To explore the relationships between measures of density and walking within and between urban areas, we present an analysis of the travel survey data from six different cities from the US and Santiago, Chile. The analysis of aggregate and disaggregate pedestrian trips presented here examine the potential consistency of relationships between walking and density within and across different regions, with a specific focus on population density. Our findings illustrate a relationship between population density and walk mode shares that is roughly linear and of nearly equal magnitude across US regions in densities below 20 persons/acre. As work in this area matures, fine-grained built environment measures should be complemented with constructs that describe the metropolitan structure, including density distributions and gradients, poly-centricity, and spatial extent of the urban area.
This 60-minute seminar is eligible for 1 hour of professional development credit for AICP (see our provider summary). We can provide an electronic attendance certificate for other types of certification maintenance.
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