The video begins at 3:47.
Abstract: Transportation planning for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games— Vancouver’s largest special event ever—was a complex challenge compounded by venue security road closures throughout the city. Through public engagement, careful planning and evaluation, and collaboration with transportation partners, the City of Vancouver developed a wide range of innovative strategies to create its Host City Olympic Transportation Plan. By almost every indicator, the transportation operations and transportation demand management (TDM) strategies of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games were an unqualified success. However, the goals of the Host City transportation plan were further verified the Host City Olympic Transportation Plan Downtown Monitoring Study in partnership with the University of British Columbia (UBC) to evaluate the transportation impact of the Games by using in-the-field data collection. The transportation legacy of the Host City Olympic Transportation Plan was a proven example of a large scale travel behaviour shift to sustainable modes, in unprecedented and record numbers. The experience of the Host City Olympic Transportation Plan demonstrated that residents and businesses can be motivated to take sustainable modes of transportation if convenient alternatives to vehicle travel are available. This presentation will discuss the detailed results of the Host City Olympic Transportation Plan and monitoring program including how the City of Vancouver is currently sustaining its 2010 Winter Games transportation legacy achievements into its long-term Transportation 2040 plan.
Bio: Dale Bracewell was appointed Manager of Active Transportation for the City of Vancouver in 2010. He and his team lead the planning and implementation of the City's pedestrian, bicycle and greenways networks and the promotion of active transportation modes. Dale is also jointly overseeing the update to the City's long term Transportation 2040 Plan and Active Transportation Master Plan. Prior to this, Dale was the City's Director of Olympic Transportation responsible for the transportation planning and operations for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games including the award-winning Olympic Line – Vancouver’s 2010 Streetcar.