NITC Invites Proposals for Small Starts and Dissertation Fellowships

The National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC) is now accepting proposals for Small Starts grants and Dissertation Fellowships.
- Small Starts proposals are due September 15, 2017.
- Dissertation Fellowship proposals are due October 23, 2017.
The purpose of a Small Starts grant is to assist researchers who are interested in transportation but have not had an opportunity to undertake a small project consistent with NITC's theme of Improving the Mobility of People and Goods to Build Strong Communities.
The NITC theme connects directly with the U.S. DOT priority of improving mobility of people and goods to build strong communities. All proposals must be consistent with this theme, as defined in the request for proposals.
Faculty members and research faculty eligible to serve as Principal Investigators (PIs) at our partner universities: Portland State University, Oregon Institute of Technology, University of Arizona, University of Oregon, University of Texas at Arlington and University of Utah may submit proposals and serve as PIs with NITC.
Read more about Small Starts grants, download the RFP, and learn and how to apply here.
We also invite proposals for Fall 2017 Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowships. This grant is part of the University Transportation Center program funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation, and is a partnership between Portland State University, Oregon Institute of Technology, University of Arizona, University of Oregon, University of Texas at Arlington and University of Utah. The mission of the UTC program is to advance U.S. technology and expertise in the many disciplines comprising transportation through the mechanisms of education, research and technology transfer at university-based centers.
Students must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and have advanced to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree prior to the application deadline. NITC fellowships are open to students currently enrolled in a transportation-related doctoral program at one of our partner universities. Successful doctoral dissertation research fellowship proposals will combine advanced research with applied projects that fit the NITC theme, linking to articulated U.S.DOT priorities specifically mobility.
Read more about applying for NITC dissertation fellowships and download the RFP here.