31 Results

Expanding Transmobilities: An Art-Informed Methodology For Genderdiverse Travel Behavior

Nicholas Puczkowskyj
There is a significant gendered travel behavior research gap in the transportation literature. A plethora of transportation literature identifying and contrasting cisgender disparities exists, but more inclusive approaches to genderdiverse identities ... Read More

Machine Learning and Big Data-Based Approaches for Quality Freeway Volumes

Adrian Cottam
Traffic volumes are essential for the operation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and for use in performance metrics for Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO). Maintaining high quality freeway volumes is paramount to ensur ... Read More

Job-Worker Balance & Polycentric Transit-Oriented Development: Toward Indices and Spatio-temporal Trends

Robert Hibberd
This dissertation will further NITC goals to increase access to employment opportunities and provide better models for an increasingly complex transportation system. It will consider the effectiveness of transit-oriented development (TOD) at addressi ... Read More

Unsupervised Approach to Investigate Urban Traffic Crashes Based on Crash Unit, Crash Severity, and Manner of Collision

Farzin Maniei
Stephen Mattingly
Both crash frequency analysis (CFA) and real-time crash prediction models (RTCPMs) typically divide a highway into segments with a constant length for data aggregation. Despite the significant impact of the segment length in several previous traffic ... Read More

Toward Automating the Measurement of Urban Design Qualities Related to Walkability

S. Hassan Ameli
Streets are one of the most significant elements of urban spaces to accommodate public activity and provide access to numerous locations and services. Today, our cities face various challenges, including urban sprawl, air pollution, and obesity. To ... Read More

How Essential is Essential Air Service? The Value of Airport Access for Remote Communities

Austin Drukker
Essential Air Service is a federal government program that provides subsidies to airlines that provide commercial service between certain remote communities and larger hubs, which proponents argue are justified because driving to larger airports woul ... Read More

The use and influence of health indicators in transportation decision-making

Kelly Rodgers
As a social determinant of health, transportation significantly contributes to well-being through several pathways. Researchers and practitioners have called for health indicators as one way to integrate public health concerns into transportation dec ... Read More

Modeling Capacity: Multiple Weaving Areas

Sheida Khademi
Behruz Paschai , James Williams
Systematic, well-designed research provides the most effective approach to the solution of many problems facing highway administrators and engineers. Traffic congestion on freeway systems is one significant concern in urban areas throughout the U.S.A ... Read More

Pedal the Old Pueblo: A Naturalistic Study on Bicycling in Tucson, AZ

Joey Iuliano
City investments in bicycle infrastructure can improve residents' health and wellness, lower pollution, fight climate change, and reduce congestion. While transportation geography and planning have long focused on looking at how vehicles, goods, and ... Read More

Identifying and Measuring Transportation Challenges for Survivors in Intimate Partner Violence Shelters

Sarah Leat
Environmental stressors within the built environment can greatly impact health. Environmental stressors, such as noise levels, crowding, and housing quality have been shown to impact physical healing as well as mental health. Although environmental s ... Read More

Free Movement: Enhancing Open Data to Facilitate Independent Travel for Persons with Disabilities

Shiloh Deitz
Amy Lobben , Henry Luan , Colin Koopman , Stephen Fickas
Nearly 40 million Americans report a disability, and of this population, 70 percent travel less because of the challenges they face. When they do travel, those with limited mobility are more likely to be pedestrians or public transit users. Today, fr ... Read More

Maternal Mental Health and Keetoowah Women: Past, Present, and Future

December Maxwell
American Indian/Native American (AI/NA) women experience postpartum depression (PPD) at a disproportionate rate. Poor transportation services and systems increase the risk of PPD prevalence in AI/NA populations, particularly since those in more rural ... Read More
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