The video begins at 1:47.

Joseph Broach, PhD candidate in Urban Studies, will discuss the results of his research, which models the propensity of children aged 6-16 to walk or bike to parks and school without an adult chaperone, extending existing work on children’s active travel in several ways: 1) focus on travel without an adult, 2) inclusion of school and a non-school destinations, 3) separate walk and bike models, 4) consideration of both parent and child attitudes and perceived social norms, 5) explicit inclusion of household rules limiting walking or bicycling.

The video begins at 1:00.

Abstract: Transportation expert Gabe Klein, former Director of the District Department of Transportation (Washington, DC), Co-Founder of On-the-Fly, and former Regional VP of ZipCar, will be speaking about the future of urban transportation and quality of life. 85% of US citizens live in urban metropolitan areas. People are moving back to the urban cores, and what were once suburbs are now looking more like small cities or urban villages themselves. Given the inevitable demographic and geographic population shifts over the next 30 years, what is transportation going to look like in 2020? 2030? How will we manage the change? Gabe will talk about macro and micro policy and market trends, such as access vs. ownership, the commoditization of transportation, landuse, bicycle/pedestrian shifts, and technology affecting consumer choice.
