Portland State University, Urban Center (SW 6th and Mill), Parsons Gallery, Level 2

Special Transportation Seminar:

Join us for a presentation by Projjal Dutta, NY Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s first-ever Director, Sustainability. He tries to reduce MTA’s environmental footprint and quantify carbon benefits that accrue to the region from transit. This unrecognized service, if priced, can generate substantial resources for transit.

Sponsored by PSU's College of Urban and Public Affairs and the Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium

The video begins at 2:48.

Abstract: Diesel engines are the most efficient combustion engine currently available. Their power, durability and economy make them the engine of choice for a wide variety of applications, most notably in freight movement. Their exhaust, long regarded as a nuisance for the smoke and odor, is increasingly implicated in elevated risk for cardiovascular, neurological and respiratory adverse health impacts, as well as being a notable contributor to other environmental impacts like regional haze and climate change. The state of Oregon, since 2001 has undertaken a voluntary, incentive supported approach to owners and operators of existing diesel engines to reduce emissions using a variety of strategies with mixed results. This discussion will summarize that effort, evaluate the economics of cleaning up diesel engines as a public health strategy and outline the potential for further mitigation.
