Educating the Future Transportation Workforce

The challenges (e.g. air quality, equity, political dynamics) and solutions (e.g. bicycling, electric vehicles, urban design, innovative pricing policies) embedded in transportation for livable communities can help grow and diversify the workforce. Our approach to education consists of:
- Multi-Disciplinary Undergraduate, Graduate Degrees, and Courses: NITC partner universities offer a rich array of degrees that serve the transportation profession. We support undergarduate and graduate students directly through research assistantships working on projects. We provide dissertation fellowships for students to research surface transportation topics that fit under the NITC theme.
- Providing Experiential Learning: A key component of our education strategy is experiential learning, which will help attract and retain students. Our campuses will continue to providing these opportunities, and NITC will seek ways to expand them.
- Developing Innovative New Curriculum: NITC partner universities have developed new, innovative curriculum consistent with transportation and livable communities that can be tested and shared among NITC and other universities.
- Educating Professionals: We offer a vibrant program of seminars, workshops, professional courses and other training opportunities that provide transportation practitioners with the latest tools and techniques.
- Engaging K-12 Students: Our K‐12 programs are designed to attract and retain new undergraduate students to our degree programs, and involve undergraduates in our research.
Graduate Programs at NITC Partner Universities
NITC partner universities offer the following programs with transportation specializations:
Portland State University
Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP)
Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering (MSCE)
Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering (MEng)
Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering Management (MEng)
Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dual Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning and Civil and Environmental Engineering
Graduate Certificate in Transportation
University of Oregon
Master of Community and Regional Planning (MCRP)
Oregon Institute of Technology
Master of Science in Civil Engineering
University of Utah
Master of City and Metropolitan Planning (M.C.M.P.)
Civil and Environmental Engineering, M.S.
Certificate in Urban Design (City & Metropolitan Planning)
Certificate in Urban Planning (City & Metropolitan Planning)
Environmental Engineering, Ph.D.
Metropolitan Planning, Policy and Design, Ph.D.
University of Arizona
M.S. in Systems and Industrial Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington
Ph.D. in Planning and Urban Policy
Undergraduate Programs at NITC Partner Universities
Portland State University
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Supply and Logistics Management
Oregon Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
University of Oregon
Planning, Public Policy and Management
University of Utah
Civil & Environmental Engineering