View Hilltop Planning Group's Slides
View Delta Planning Group's Slides
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The PSU Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP) program is known for its workshop projects. For the last two quarters of the program, students work on community-based, client-focused projects. This provides students with the opportunity to work in teams on real-world problems for community clients. This Friday Seminar will showcase two outstanding 2016 MURP workshop projects. See what PSU Urban and Regional Planning students have been up to.
Lea Anderson of the Hilltop Planning Workshop Team:
"Oregon Health & Science University Night Access Plan"
Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) is a nationally renowned academic, research and health institution. At its current capacity, OHSU sees over 250,000 patients a year, teaches 5,000 students, employs about 16,000 people, and utilizes over 2,000 contract workers. Simply put, there are a lot of people who need to access the OHSU central campuses (Marquam Hill and South Waterfront) every day. Furthermore, because OHSU is a medical and research institution, there are large numbers of people needing to access the campuses at all hours of the day and night.
Over the last five months Hilltop Planning, a group of six PSU MURP graduate students, has been working with OHSU Transportation & Parking to shed light on issues related to night transportation and access for the central campuses. One of the primary goals of the project is to "get more cars off the hill" and figure out how to make other modes both feasible and appealing for OHSU employees. Hilltop Planning has explored recommendations related to active transportation, ride-share, parking management, transit service,
internal policy change and education and awareness campaigns.
During the seminar Hilltop Planning will be talking about many of the issues related to night transportation more generally, as well as some of the key takeaways and findings from their work over these past few months.
Hilltop Planning comprises six Portland State University Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP) students focusing on transportation planning.
Curtis Fisher of the Delta Planning team:
"The Value Of Place in Tigard, Oregon"
The Tigard Triangle in Tigard, OR is an area defined by highways and auto-oriented land uses that does not represent the City of Tigard’s vision to be the most walkable city in the Northwest. This presentation will show how the Delta Planning MURP workshop team used the State of Place analytic tools to diagnose the performance of the built environment in the Triangle and recommend urban design solutions to improve the walkability, safety, comfort, and aesthetics of the built environment for those who live, work and do business in the Tigard Triangle.
The Delta Planning MURP Workshop consists of Portland State University students Wala Abu Hejleh, Ray Atkinson, Linn Davis and Curtis Fisher. Curtis Fisher is a graduate student pursuing a Master's of Urban and Regional Planning degree from Portland State University.